61 research outputs found

    The Use of Weather Variables in the Modeling of Demand for Electricity in One of the Regions in the Southern Poland

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    The main objective of the paper is the verification of usefulness of the ARFIMA-FIGARCH class models in the description of tendencies in the energy consumption in a selected region of the southern Poland taking into consideration weather variables.weather variables, the ARFIMA-FIGARCH class model, weather risks.

    The Use of Weather Variables in the Modeling of Demand for Electricity in One of the Regions in the Southern Poland

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    The main objective of the paper is the verification of usefulness of the ARFIMA-FIGARCH class models in the description of tendencies in the energy consumption in a selected region of the southern Poland taking into consideration weather variables

    Role of wind power in development of energy markets in Poland, Europe and worldwide

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    Odnawialne źródła energii rozwijają się na całym świecie znacznie szybciej niż konwencjonalne, a największe znaczenie wśród nich odgrywa energetyka wiatrowa. Obecnie energetyka wiatrowa dostarcza ok. 3% globalnego zużycia energii elektrycznej, dzięki czemu uznawana jest za światowego lidera zielonych technologii. Zasadniczym celem niniejszego opracowania jest charakterystyka energetyki wiatrowej na świecie, w Europie i Polsce w ostatnich kilkunastu latach oraz ocena jej roli w rozwoju rynku energii odnawialnej, zapewnieniu bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i kreowaniu nowych miejsc pracy.Renewable energy sources are developing around the world much faster than the conventional ones. Among them, wind power plays the most important part. Currently, it provides about 3% of the global electricity consumption, so it is considered a world leader in green technology. The main objective of this paper is to characterize the wind power sector in the world, Europe and Poland during the recent years, and to assess its role in the development of the renewable energy market, energy security and the creation of new jobs.Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział ZarządzaniaBadyda K., Energetyka wiatrowa – aktualne trendy rozwoju, „Energetyka” 2013, nr 5.Soliński I., Soliński B., Solińska M., Rola i znaczenie energetyki wiatrowej w sektorze energetyki odnawialnej, „Polityka Energetyczna” 2008, t. 11, z. 1.Zawada M., Zróżnicowanie przestrzenne rynku energii w Polsce, [w:] Procesy konwergencji w zarządzaniu polskimi przedsiębiorstwami, J. Urbańska (red.), Wydawnictwo Wydziału Zarządzania Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa 2010.Energetyka wiatrowa na świecie, http://gpi.pl/gpi-energetyka-wiatrowa-na-swiecie, data dostępu 10.12.2013 r.European Wind Energy Association, http://www.ewea.org, data dostępu 10.01.2014 r.EWEA, http://www.ewea.org, data dostępu 10.01.2014 r.Global Wind Energy Outlook, GWEC, 2012, http://www.gwec.net/wp-content/ uploads/2012/11/GWEO_2012_lowRes.pdf, data dostępu 25.11.2013 r.Mazur-Wierzbicka E., Stan i perspektywy rozwoju energetyki wiatrowej na świecie, 27.06.2013, http://www.wnp.pl/wiadomosci/stan-i-perspektywy-rozwojuenergetyki-wiatrowej-na-swiecie,-8375_1_0_0_0_0.html, data dostępu 05.01.2014 r.Morska energetyka wiatrowa, http://wind-power.pl/energetyka-wiatrowa-w-polsce/ morska-energetyka-wiatrowa/, data dostępu 15.01.2014 r.Polish Wind Energy, http://www.polishwindenergy.com, data dostępu 01.02.2014 r.Polskie Stowarzyszenie Energetyki Wiatrowej, http://www.psew.pl, data dostępu 10.02.2014 r..Rynek energii wiatrowej w Polsce, http://green-power.com.pl/pl/home/rynekenergetyki-wiatrowej-w-polsce-i-europie/, data dostępu 30.03.2014 r.The Wind Power, 03.01.2014 r., http://www.thewindpower.net, data dostępu 10.01.2014 r.Wind in Power 2012 European statistics, http://www.ewea.org/fileadmin/files/ library/publications/statistics/Wind_in_power_annual_statistics_2012.pdf, data dostępu 10.02.2014 r.Wiśniewski G. et al., Wizja rozwoju energetyki wiatrowej w Polsce do 2020 r., Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej, Warszawa, listopad 2009, http://www.ieo.pl/pl/raporty/doc_details/333-qwizja-rozwoju-energetyki-wiatrowej-w-polsce-do2020-r.html, data dostępu 01.02.2014 r.Wiśniewski G., Michałowska‐Knap K., Koć S. Energetyka wiatrowa – stan aktualny i perspektywy rozwoju w Polsce, Instytut Energetyki Odnawialnej, Warszawa 2012, http://www.senat.gov.pl/gfx/senat/userfiles/_public/k8/senat/zespoly/energia/ raport.pdf, data dostępu 15.01.2014 r.233


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    The cognitive focus of the article concerns the measurement and aggregation of relationships between the diffusion of prosumer energy development and the effectiveness of implementing local Plans of Low Emissions Reduction. In this context, the Authors have justified that local actions in the area of low emission prevention (smog - unusual atmospheric phenomenon) are fully converged with the activities of prosumers, producing energy, among others, in order to meet their own needs. On the basis of the literature query and interviews in a group of managers of the energy and environmental management in territorial units - local perspective (in the selected EU country), levels of energy prosumer transformation have been determined in relation to the measures in the scope of low emission prevention.&nbsp


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    In the modern world economy, the importance of regions and cities in economic development is increasing. In line with the policy of the European Union, efforts to level out regional developmental disparities should be made. Regional development can be explored in terms of social, economic or environmental aspects, satisfaction with the level and quality of life of inhabitants, and development of social capital. The aim of this study is to assess only the current level of economic development and its differentiation in various regions of Poland. Data from the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office from the years 2007-2015 have been used in the analysis. Obtained results will allow to draw conclusions about regional policy in Poland

    The Environmental Kuznets Curve in Poland – Evidence from Threshold Cointegration Analysis

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    The article aims to look at the long-run equilibrium relationship between per capita greenhouse gas emissions and per capita real GDP (EKC hypothesis) in an asymmetric framework using the non-linear threshold cointegration and error correction methodology for Polish economy during the period 2000 to 2012 (quarterly data). To test the robustness of the results the additional explanatory variable (per capita energy consumption) is added to the EKC model. The EKC hypothesis is tested using threshold autoregressive (TAR) and momentum threshold autoregressive (MTAR) cointegration method. Moreover, the threshold error correction model (TECM) is implemented in order to examine both the short-run and the long-run Granger-causal relationship between per capita greenhouse gas emissions and per capita income. We found strong evidence in favour of the EKC hypothesis for the Polish case and additionally we confirmed that adjustment of deviations toward the long-run equilibrium is asymmetric


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    The aim of this study is to assess the situation on the market for biogas plants in the EU, an analysis of the environmental benefits of the construction of agricultural biogas plants and the prospects for the development of this industry in the context of the prosumer energy. In the first part of this article the Authors provide basic information about agricultural production of gas in the European Union (total installed capacity, the number of biogas plants, different types of biogas plants, types of substrates used to feed the Biogas plants). The second part of the study provides an overview of the legislation governing prosumer energy and development of this element of the energy market which is an important and permanent part of the EU energy policy. In the third part of this paper the conducted SWOT analysis shows the strengths and weaknesses of the biogas energy, as well as the opportunities and threats of its further development. The scope of the research covers the period 2007-2015. In order to assess biogas plants market development, the Authors have used elements of multivariate statistical analysis and applied Herfindahl-Hirschman Index assessing the degree of concentration in this market